Thank you for being here.

Thank you for existing.

Thank you for shining your light.


You may not always feel it, or know it, but you, your unique youness is a gift to this world. You matter, you are so needed. Everything about you is relevant, special, important.

Dear friend, I know this is not the message you get from society enough, if at all. If anything we’re told we are not good enough and need to change xyz about ourselves to be acceptable.

I’m here to tell you not to listen to those messages and to tend to your beautiful self with gentle loving compassionate kindness. To move away from (self) judgement and to allow your unique beautiful light so shine as brightly as it wants.


You are good enough. You are loved.

You Matter.


Here is a little free gift of a bear print out from me to you that you can print out at home for personal use to remind you that you matter. This little bear knows how much you matter and wants to let you know every day. <3

(To download the high res version, simply right click on the image and choose ‘save target or link as’ – then print it out to hang around your house or art studio)

Feel free to share this with your friends, too!