Want to win a copy of my 2nd book? :D
Ladies and Jellyspoons, Mermaids and Unicorns, here’s a message to let you know that the big ‘Tam’s 2nd Book’ blog hop has now commenced, huzzah! :D 15 wonderful current and previous Ever After (& Life Book) teachers are taking part in this blog hop which involves give aways of copies of my brand spanking new Read More

Want to win a copy of my brand new book? :D
Ladies and jellyspoons badgers and blippy bloppies, here’s a message to let you know that the big ‘Tam’s Book’ blog hop has now commenced, huzzah! :D 15 wonderful current and previous Life Book teachers are taking part in this blog hop which involves give aways of copies of my brand spanking new book! Yay! I Read More
Book Launch – Pre-order – I Wrote a Book You Guys! :D
I Wrote a Book You Guys! :D Hello most amazing friends! I wrote a book! I wrote a book!!! :D Can you believe it?! Let me tell you preabout how it happened! So, people have asked me for years if I would write a book, and I used to be reluctant as I’d seen many Read More