Tag: mixed media art

November 28, 2019

My Fav Art Supplies – Updated! :)

Hey there fabulous friends! :) Time for a more up to date blog post on my favourite art supplies! I’ve been pretty consistent over the years with which supplies I’ve favoured, but it has changed quite a bit in the last couple of years, so I thought I’d do a new bloggie on this for Read More

August 14, 2019

Want to win a copy of my 2nd book? :D

Ladies and Jellyspoons, Mermaids and Unicorns, here’s a message to let you know that the big ‘Tam’s 2nd Book’ blog hop has now commenced, huzzah! :D 15 wonderful current and previous Ever After (& Life Book) teachers are taking part in this blog hop which involves give aways of copies of my brand spanking new Read More

January 18, 2019

Yay new art supplies! :D

I’m so lucky to have Jane Davenport as a close friend. Guess what? She sent me a huge box of her latest line of art supplies and got to play with them all! :D Check out the video below in which I do an unboxing of what she sent me and create a new art Read More

September 20, 2018

Made of Mermaids – Jane Davenport Unboxing

Hey Good Friends! Many of you know that the magical Jane Davenport and I have been close art friends for many years now! I’m so very proud of everything Jane has achieved, it’s been a joy to see her come out with her amazing books and art supply line! I’m so blessed that she sent Read More

February 28, 2018

The Second Star to the Right

Hey friends. I was sharing images of this painting on Facebook and many people asked about its story. Here is the story behind this sacred painting. This was a commissioned painting in honour of someone’s sister (Lisa) who passed away. Lisa had brown hair and brown eyes, loved Peter Pan and referred to her sister, Read More

December 01, 2017

Want to win a copy of my brand new book? :D

Ladies and jellyspoons badgers and blippy bloppies, here’s a message to let you know that the big ‘Tam’s Book’ blog hop has now commenced, huzzah! :D 15 wonderful current and previous Life Book teachers are taking part in this blog hop which involves give aways of copies of my brand spanking new book! Yay! I Read More

August 30, 2017

Wild & Free (Be Like Frida)

For this week’s Life Book lesson I created a painting inspired by the inspiring Frida Kahlo. My lesson focuses on ‘transforming limiting beliefs into liberating beliefs’ and I find Frida such an amazing example of someone who defied societal expectations and -I assume- she also confronted her internal limiting beliefs looking at how she approached life Read More

July 30, 2017

My Fav Art Supplies – Updated! :)

Hey there fabulous friends! :) I was just checking up on my ‘favourite art supplies post’ from a while back and realised it’s dreadfully out of the date (read with dramatic voice!). So I felt called to do an updated ‘My Favourite Art Supplies’ post just for you, because I love you and you smell Read More

June 07, 2017

Some Vulnerable Sharing.

Ola from Spain dear friends. The world feels like it’s going up in flames while I calmly and peacefully listen to my children’s laughter (like bells ringing) as they splash around in a beautiful pool filled with fresh sparkly water. How can peaceful joy and abject devastating terror be present in the world at the Read More

February 08, 2017

Creating a Tam Dreamboard

Hey wonderful creative friends, here a little blog post about creating a (Tam) Dreamboard that helps you manifest your dreams and call into your life what you want more of. My version of the dream board is a bit different from the more traditional one (where you mostly and only cut out collage pieces and glue Read More

February 07, 2017

Tea and Cake with Gracie featuring Melissa Dinwiddie

Hi Guys! Welcome to a series we run on the blog called: Tea & Cake with Gracie :) My awesome friend and colleague Gracie Howle interviews inspiring artists and posts the interviews (including some free offers not published elsewhere before) here on the blog every 2 months or so. I love to create art and Read More

January 19, 2017

Artist Spotlight: Carla Sonheim & a Give-Away!

Hello lovely people! Gracie here from Willowing – hello! :) I’m super excited and proud to present our Artist Spotlight of the month (it’s a new type of feature we are running on the blog!) We are featuring the one and only Carla Sonheim with a bit of an interview and she’s also giving away Read More