Tam’s art & articles have been published in several magazines & books. She’s also been interviewed for several online radio stations and inspirational online retreats/ summits. For press queries please contact: [email protected]. – Thanks for dropping by!

Tam was published in "Art Journal Your Archetypes: Mixed Media Techniques for Finding Yourself" by Gabrielle Javier-Cerulli.

Tam was interviewed by Shereen for the Wild Heart Entrepreneur Summit

Tam provide a mixed media session for the Spring Woman Unleashed retreat.

Tam was interviewed by Amber Amber Kuileimailani Bonnici from www.theradiantmama.com for the Woman Unleashed Online Retreat.

Erin Faith Allen produced a short movie about Tam as part of her ‘Art Maker/ Soul Shaker’ series. (OMG a movie was made about me!!) :)

Tam was interviewed by Heidi Easley from ‘Texas: Art & Soul’ for the ‘Creating From Your Soul’ Summit.

Tam was interviewed by Minette Riordan from ‘Creative Business Mastery’ for the ‘Creative Business Mastery’ Summit.

Tam was interviewed by Dawn Z Bournand from ‘Fabulously Successful BlogTalk Radio’ for the ‘Power of Loving You’ Summit. All about Self-Love! Click here to find out more about this awesome summit!

Tam was interviewed by Bonnie Glendinning as part of the ‘Thriving Artist Summit’ – click here to find out more about that interview and other amazing artists that were interviewed too!

Tam had an article published in Stampington’s “Artist’s Cafe”

Tam’s Art was featured on the cover of digital art magazine: “heART Journal Magazine“ in September 2014 – she also had a an art tutorial (video) published inside the magazine. Watch the video here.

In May 2014 – Tam was interviewed by Sheri Ponzi on her radio show: “Conversations with Creative Magic” . You can listen to the interview by clicking here or on the image. :)

In April 2014 – Tam was interviewed by Dawn Z Bournand from ‘Fabulously Successful BlogTalk Radio’. You can listen to the interview by clicking here or on the image. :)

Featured on Crescendoh.com: Tam was a guest curator on crescendoh.com in December 2012.

Creative Living with Jamie:
In March of 2012, Tam was interviewed by Jamie Ridler Studios, which is a creative work/play space where spirits awaken, magic stirs and creativity comes to life.
To listen to the podcast, click on the image, or click here.

Tam’s work was published on the front cover of “Wild Sister Magazine”! (click here or image to buy).

A Step-by-Step Article about Tam’s ‘Paint over Collage’ technique was published in Somerset Apprentice.

Tam was interviewed for Art Trader magazine in Spring 2008 (click on image to download your free copy).
Illustrated Books

Giraffe Juice
The Magic of Making Life Wonderful
By Marci Winters and JP Allen
Illustrator: Tamara Laporte
Publisher: Follow Your Joy Press.
Is now available through amazon.com
To see some of the illustrations I did for this book click HERE.
Book Description
Publication Date: December 7, 2010
How do you feel when someone in your life treats you in a way you don’t like? Eva is a guitar-playing, harmonica-jamming girl who can make musical notes do wonders… but when it comes to getting Jip to stop bullying her at school, she doesn’t know where to start. Then one day Eva discovers a secret. Would you like to discover a secret to making peace with people that are hard to get along with? Here’s a clue: It’s a secret you probably already know, but sometimes may forget.
Paperback: 142 pages
Publisher: www.GiraffeJuice.com (December 7, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0615263933
ISBN-13: 978-0615263939
Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.5 x 0.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces

Giraffe Juice – Workbook [Paperback]
Tania Wolk (Author), Brita Lind (Author),
Tamara Laporte (Illustrator)
Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: WWW.Giraffejuice.com (7 Dec 2010)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0615359213
ISBN-13: 978-0615359212
Product Dimensions: 25.4 x 20.3 x 0.2 cm

Simply Grace Anne
A little girl with a big heart
By Cindy Duncan – Hopkins
Illustrated by Tamara Laporte