All Art Classes

Ever After 2018 *

Course skill level: Beginner & Intermediate


“Artists, at the heart of it, are trying to communicate. Be it a piece of their story, beauty, sadness or a piece of their soul: They are trying to tell the stories of who they are,  who we all are and what it means to be human and alive in this world of ours.” – Tamara Laporte


Hello there! I am Tam! Thank you for checking out the course information for Ever After! :) It is a course with 2 of my favourite themes/ topics: fairy-tales and style development! We ran Ever After for the first time in 2016 and we had so much fun! It was a raving success with over 1500 people joining! Wow! I couldn’t wait to run this wonderful course again! I created Ever After to help many of the thousands of students who’ve been on my other courses and my peers’ courses to develop their own style (omg the holy grail! I get the ‘how do I develop my style question’ so often!). Once again I’ve poured my heart and soul into this course and once again I’ve invited a FABULOUS group of celebrated mixed media artists who all can’t wait to share their lessons and insights with you! :) I’m super excited about this offer to the mixed media art community. This course is a fantastic offer to those who are interested in learning how to make beautiful mixed media paintings inspired by traditional fairy-tales and myths and it has a very attractive curriculum for those interested in the hows and whats of style development.

“Ever After” is a mixed media art & style development course with a fairytale theme hosted by Tamara Laporte from Willowing Arts. Tam is joined by 14 popular mixed media art teachers who will all share beautiful fairy-tale inspired lessons with you AND, in style dev segment they will also divulge all their hints and tips on how they developed their own style and how YOU TOO can find your own unique voice as an artist! :) Yay!

Registration Now Open!
Class begins July 1st 2018

It will run over a period of 4 months and you can join either ‘Fairy Tales‘ or ‘Fairy Tales with Style Development‘. The first (fairy tale lessons only) can be taken by anyone; budding beginner artists, intermediates and the more experienced. It is for those who are interested in learning how to create beautiful fairy tale inspired paintings in a variety of mixed media art techniques. Each teacher on Ever After has chosen one fairytale, myth or magical story to work with and will use the beauty, story telling, deeper meaning and symbolism of the fairy tale to inspire their lesson. The fairy tale only package on its own does not cover style development.

The second (‘Fairy Tales with Style Development‘)  contains all fairy tale lessons and all style development content. The fairy tale lessons will be used to explore and develop our styles as well as learning new techniques from the teachers. Many artists and students who’ve been on my courses over the years have struggled with developing their own style. There aren’t really any courses out there that dedicate themselves to this element of what it means to be an artist, yet, it’s one of the most frequently asked questions I get! So I felt called to finally create something! Yay! The style development content is very rich and in depth. We look at concepts such as: “the story of you”, “inspiration, how to find it, how to use it”, “stepping outside of comfort zones/ changing things up” and “creative blocks, like the inner critic, fears, comparison etc”. 

The Ever After ‘Fairy Tales with Style Development‘ course is suitable for anyone interested in style development even if you are a beginning artist with an interest in this area you can join this segment, however it is more geared towards artists/ students who already feel quite confident when it comes to making art and mixed media techniques but are feeling stuck when it comes to developing their own style and creating with their own voice. It’s for those people who really want to dig into telling their own true unique story through their art.  The fairy tale lessons in Ever After ‘Fairy Tales with Style Development‘ will be used extensively to study other people’s styles & techniques and students will use those lessons as a springboard to explore and develop their own style. Ever After ‘Fairy Tales with Style Development‘ comes with an in depth style development workbook and several videos, PDFs and meditations by myself and guest artists.

For extra magic in your life! :D There is also an option to ‘add on’ the fairy tale lessons from previous Ever After courses. These ‘Ever After Fairytale Bundles‘  (EA2016 Fairytale bundle and EA2017 Fairytale bundle) include all the fairy tale lessons from previous Ever After teachers).

Ever After ‘Fairy Tale Bundle 2018(Fairy Tale lessons only)

◙ 15 in-depth fairy-tale themed mixed media art lessons.
Each lesson is inspired by a fairy-tale, myth or magical story.
◙ 15 In Depth/ Supporting PDFs
◙ 4 Bonus lessons from 2016 + 2017 with Tam 

Ever After ‘Fairy Tales with Style Development (Fairy Tale lessons + all Style Development Content)

◙ All 15 fairy tale lessons
◙ An in-depth style development workbook (to be printed out by student) (4 parts)
◙ Video content with Tam explaining/ demonstrating how to work through the workbook
◙ Several style development assignments
◙ 14 videos of guest teachers containing information on how they developed their own style, hints & tips on style development and some might demonstrate creatively on style development.
◙ 14 + Videos discussing monthly style development themes with Tamara Laporte:

  • The Story of You – Deepening the connection with yourself and your story/ message through art. Discovering yourself and your unique message.
  • “Make it Your Own” with Tamara Laporte
  • Inspiration, how to find it and how to use it. Includes copying vs being inspired by.
  • Productivity/ pushing ourselves/ changing things up/ stepping outside of our comfort zones to help with style development
  • Dealing with inner and outer critics + how to deal with distractions and pressure to conform to popular art styles.

◙ Video content with Andy Mason (NVC Trainer/ Tam’s husband) on: “How to Discover your True North”
◙ 5 Guided visualisations/ meditations by Tam: Grounding Into You/ Opening to Inspiration/ Deepening Self Confidence & Strength & Esteem/ Working Through Creative Block/ Transforming limiting beliefs into liberating beliefs
◙ 4 Bonus Time Lapse Videos with Tam demonstrating how to create Tinkerbell/ Malificent/ Rapunzel and The Happy Princess
◙ 3 Bonus Videos on style development by Flora Bowley (she is part of the Style Development segment only)

Please note regarding the option to ‘add on’ the fairy tale lessons from previous Ever After courses. The ‘Ever After Fairytale Bundles‘  (EA2016 Fairytale bundle and EA2017 Fairytale bundle) are in ‘self-study’ mode and won’t be referenced in the course content of Ever After 2018 but can absolutely be incorporated by the student. If you choose the ‘add ons’ EA2016 Fairytale bundle and/or EA2017 Fairytale bundle, you will get access to these self study courses  within 24 – 48 hours after purchase. 

Please note: Micki Wilde & Cinnamon Cooney’s fairy tale lessons from 2016 are available elsewhere this year for free – this is reflected in the bundle package price, I’m just including them here because they were part of last year’s bundle so you’ll have access to them here and you’ll be able to download them through this course. 

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Just click on 'add to basket' for your chosen package and we'll get you all set up!

Early Bird Offer!

Get 20% off all packages by using coupon code: MAGIC2018 at check out!
Offer runs until July 5th 2018. 
Ever After 2018 - Basic - Full Course

Ever After 2018 - Basic - Full Course

Includes access to all Ever After 2018 Fairy Tale Lessons & Style Development for one person

£96.00Add to basket

Ever After 2018 - Premium - Full Course

Ever After 2018 - Premium - Full Course

Includes access to all Ever After 2018 Fairy Tale Lessons & Style Development + 1 Fairytale Bundle from a previous year for one person. (Choose your bundle on the next page).

£144.00Add to basket

Ever After 2018 - Rainbow - Full Course

Ever After 2018 - Rainbow - Full Course

Includes access to all Ever After 2018 Fairy Tale Lessons & Style Development + 2 Fairytale Bundles from previous years (2016 + 2017) for one person.

£134.00Add to basket

Ever After 2018 - Basic - Fairytale Bundle Only

Ever After 2018 - Basic - Fairytale Bundle Only

Includes access to all Ever After 2018 Fairy Tale Lessons Only for one person

£65.00Add to basket

Ever After 2018 - Premium - Fairytale Bundle Only

Ever After 2018 - Premium - Fairytale Bundle Only

Includes access to all Ever After 2018 Fairy Tale Lessons + 1 Fairytale Bundle from a previous year for one person. (Choose your bundle on the next page).

£106.80Add to basket

Ever After 2018 - Rainbow - Fairytale Bundle Only

Ever After 2018 - Rainbow - Fairytale Bundle Only

Includes access to all Ever After 2018 Fairy Tale Lessons + 2 Fairytale Bundles from previous years (2016 + 2017) for one person.

£109.00Add to basket

Payment plans available upon request! Please email us on [email protected] – we can also provide other combination bundles if you’re interested in any other combination of packages just email us and we’ll get you set up! :)

Terms & Policies

* All other currency listings are approximate and depend entirely on the daily exchange rate – final sales are in GBP – check for currency conversions).

* Refund Policy: Before the start of the course you can request a refund for the full course fee up to 60 days after the date of purchase (paypal does not issue refunds after 60 days). No refund can be given after the course has started.

* Other payment forms: You can pay through paypal or STRIPE (credit card) on this site, if neither of these two options suit you, we can also offer an international bank transfer. If you need to pay through this option, please email us on: [email protected]

* When you buy any of Willowing Arts LTD products you agree to their Terms & Conditions which can be read here.

Do you want to find out more? Keep on reading creative friend! :)

Want to know exactly what you’ll be learning on Ever After 2018?

Download  the Ever After 2018 Class Schedule

What people have said about Ever After:


 * Dawn Kramer: “Signing up for Ever After 2016 is the best thing I’ve done to for my art, and myself. Thank you, Tam! Although I haven’t gotten to the first drawing yet, your own story, the meditation, and the questions (I am working through now) are sparking inspiration and opening my eyes to bits of my art I never “saw” until now. I am so grateful to the person who told me of Willowing, and to you for sharing your enlightening vision with all of us! <3


* Summer Pettus Weber says:Tamara Laporte, thank you so very very much for this experience. Still working on the workbook at the moment. Really profound stuff is coming from this. Resonance, so much resonance. Taking stock of choices and desires and the constant seeking. I am starting to see the why of so many decisions I’ve made in art. The biggest revelation coming in my desire for conflicting duality. Because my childhood had resounding positives and negatives. There is a sense of the seen and unseen I am drawn to, a consistent searching to explore things and to show that they are not always what the appear at first glance. The soul work of this process is gratifying. Andy’s message about finding your true north is so liberating!! I feel like creative people already have a very strong sense of true direction. But for some reason the world at large tells us that everything else should be more important than soul, than art. Its been a day and I have already found that art is my bio-hazard suit to the pain in my life, both resolved and unresolved. The ability to use art as a safe way to explore and release, to cauterize and heal. It’s been a mostly unconscious thing until now. Now that it is armor and sunshine, it is protection and celebration. I’m overwhelmed.. and it’s been a day. After four months.. I am excited because the world is brimming with possibilities that I might not have been aware of till now.”

* Anna Sporring: “I want to share a really, really big and loving THANK YOU to Tamara Laporte for creating this course. ♥ ♥ ♥ My inner artist has been locked away in a box for almost 50 years. I have tried to break out of it now and then during the years but always ended up back in the box again. After having gone through the first parts of the course, I can see clearly how I ended up in that box in the first place. And now I understand why it’s been such a struggle to create something of my own all this time (copying others was never a problem, but I thought I needed permission to create something on my own!)  Seriously this wonderful course has brought me the KEY to get out of the box and give myself permission to be an artist!”


*Cheri Elder Innocenti: “So excited about the new round of Ever After; last year’s Ever After has been my favorite art class I have taken!


  • Download all class materials to your machine, keep them forever
  • Gain life long access, yay!
  • Learn many new mixed media techniques
  • Create beautiful paintings inspired by fairy-tales and myths
  • Deepen your understanding of and learn more about the history & symbolism of fairy-tales and myths.
  • If you join Ever After 2018 ‘Fairy Tales with Style Development‘ you will learn a vast amount on how to develop your own style and how to find your true unique voice/ how to tell your unique story.
  • Work from the comfort of your own home
  • Access to your own private class room
  • Access to a private (secret) Facebook Group
  • Connect with like-minded creative people
  • Make new creative connections
  • Become part of a buzzing/ thriving art community for a whole year!

Some of the most celebrated mixed media teachers & artists in the community!
I’m so proud and happy to have them on board as this year’s Ever After team!! :D

and visionary artist:

Read all about them in this document:Teacher Profiles Ever After 2018


  • You will need a highspeed internet connection to be able to download and the videos. If you have a slower connection you can stream the videos online and/ or learn through the PDFs, but the best option is to have a highspeed internet connection. 
  • It will be helpful to have a basic understanding of IT, like reading emails, navigating sites like Facebook and flickr etc. If you’re having trouble with some IT related stuff some help can be given, but in depth IT guidance cannot be given.
  • If you are planning on downloading and keeping the videos you will need to make sure you have approx 30-40GBs of data space available (if you are low on space on your computer we recommend you buy a separate external harddrive to which you can download all the lessons). Unfortunately I am unable to offer the entire class on DVD/ CD.
  • You will need a printer at home or be able to go to an external printer place to print out the workbook if you are joining package 2 that includes the style development segment. 

Download the suggested tentative supply list here:


  • You want to spend 4 months creating beautiful fairy-tale/ myth inspired mixed media paintings
  • You’d like to learn more about style development and developing your unique voice, telling your story through your art
  • You enjoy drawing, painting and mixed media art
  • You enjoy stories and their deeper meaning + symbolism
  • Like learning more about drawing figures & faces
  • You want to connect with a like-minded artsy/ creative group of people
  • Like working in a kind, non-judgemental environment
  • You enjoy working from the comfort of your own home

  • If you do not enjoy exploring fairy-tales and myths.
  • If you are hoping that each lesson will present a completely new technique and that no technique is ever repeated. Each lesson is fresh and newly created by each teacher, BUT we all work in the same field, so we will likely overlap with some techniques here and there. That doesn’t mean you don’t learn anything new because we all do something different with each technique, each teacher has their own unique style and creates amazing work, just be aware that some techniques may overlap.
  • If you don’t like drawing faces & figures. The course is mostly figurative. We will be drawing quite extensively with a focus on faces and figures. Previous drawing experience is great and helpful but not needed.
  • The style development segment  is not for you if you’re not interested in exploring/ developing your own style and own voice.

Registration Now Open!
Class begins July 1st 2018.

  • All content is downloadable, yours to keep!
  • Life long access, yay!
  • You can work at your own pace at home in your comfy clothes!
  • The course runs for 4 months, you get access until end of December to download everything
  • We have a dedicated private Facebook group where you can connect with fellow students!


Just click on 'add to basket' for your chosen package and we'll get you all set up!

Early Bird Offer!

Get 20% off all packages by using coupon code: MAGIC2018 at check out!
Offer runs until July 5th 2018. 
Ever After 2018 - Basic - Full Course

Ever After 2018 - Basic - Full Course

Includes access to all Ever After 2018 Fairy Tale Lessons & Style Development for one person

£96.00Add to basket

Ever After 2018 - Premium - Full Course

Ever After 2018 - Premium - Full Course

Includes access to all Ever After 2018 Fairy Tale Lessons & Style Development + 1 Fairytale Bundle from a previous year for one person. (Choose your bundle on the next page).

£144.00Add to basket

Ever After 2018 - Rainbow - Full Course

Ever After 2018 - Rainbow - Full Course

Includes access to all Ever After 2018 Fairy Tale Lessons & Style Development + 2 Fairytale Bundles from previous years (2016 + 2017) for one person.

£134.00Add to basket

Ever After 2018 - Basic - Fairytale Bundle Only

Ever After 2018 - Basic - Fairytale Bundle Only

Includes access to all Ever After 2018 Fairy Tale Lessons Only for one person

£65.00Add to basket

Ever After 2018 - Premium - Fairytale Bundle Only

Ever After 2018 - Premium - Fairytale Bundle Only

Includes access to all Ever After 2018 Fairy Tale Lessons + 1 Fairytale Bundle from a previous year for one person. (Choose your bundle on the next page).

£106.80Add to basket

Ever After 2018 - Rainbow - Fairytale Bundle Only

Ever After 2018 - Rainbow - Fairytale Bundle Only

Includes access to all Ever After 2018 Fairy Tale Lessons + 2 Fairytale Bundles from previous years (2016 + 2017) for one person.

£109.00Add to basket

Payment plans available upon request! Please email us on [email protected] – we can also provide other combination bundles if you’re interested in any other combination of packages just email us and we’ll get you set up! :)

Terms & Policies

* All other currency listings are approximate and depend entirely on the daily exchange rate – final sales are in GBP – check for currency conversions).

* Refund Policy: Before the start of the course you can request a refund for the full course fee up to 60 days after the date of purchase (paypal does not issue refunds after 60 days). No refund can be given after the course has started.

* Other payment forms: You can pay through paypal or STRIPE (credit card) on this site, if neither of these two options suit you, we can also offer an international bank transfer. If you need to pay through this option, please email us on: [email protected]

* When you buy any of Willowing Arts LTD products you agree to their Terms & Conditions which can be read here.