Wow! So many exciting and inspiring things to share with you this week! 😊
First up, I wanted to let you know that I was interviewed for this really cool event called the ‘Creative Arts Apothecary’ by the delightful Marina Tselner! On this summit, a variety of expert speakers from around the world will be revealing their techniques for unlocking your creativity and channeling it for potent healing power.
I had so much fun chatting with her, I’ll hope you’ll come and take a listen plus enjoy the other speakers on this event as well! It’s totally FREE to join, come join us here.

🌟 New Release! Gentle Messenger.
By popular request, this delightful lesson in which I show you how to paint this beautiful fawn in watercolor paint is now available as a mini class!
If you don’t have time to spend on yearlong or 4 month-long classes, then my mini classes might just be right for you! I have loads of short (2-3 hour) classes available for you to peruse.
The Fawn class was especially requested and you can join it here, but if you want to have a looksee at other mini lessons do take a look here as well.

Have you heard? Book of Days is retiring!
My dear friend Effy Wild has decided to retire Book of Days after 10 amazing years! She’s opening the door to new horizons and I know for sure what she’ll bring to the table next will be AMAZING! For now, she’s running a 50% off sale on this year’s BOD! Want to dive deeply into art journalling? Buy BOD for 50% off here by using the coupon code: BODFINALE at the checkout! (Only $60)

Big Society6 Shop Update
with new Totebags AND Puzzles with my art on it, whaaaat? so fun!
I totally admit; I always forget about my Society6 Shop, which is silly because it does SO many good quality and fun products. I went there again this week to update a listing and suddenly noticed that they added loads of new types of products! From puzzles to rugs to throw pillows to wrapping paper to beach towels, ALL so fun and cool! (And, if I might say: GREAT options for Christmas Gifts!)My personal favourites are the tote bags, I own several myself, they are sturdy, beautiful quality and the colours are true to the originals colours! But also: I’m so tickled pink to think that you can buy puzzles with my art on them now! Also: wrapping paper with my art on it? *Swooooon*
Loads of new designs have been added! Check them out here. Oh! And Society6 is currently running several discounted offers too!! Good bargains for all, yayyyy!! 😍😍😍

Thank you always for your support and checking out my products and services! It means so much to me, always! I appreciate you so much! ♥️🙌♥️
Blessings on your week dear friend!
Much love, Tam 💕
ps. I sang/ recorded a new song, so proud of it, managed to sing 3 of my ‘problem notes’ in it!
pps. Playing around with acrylics again, particularly pleased with this painting inspired by The High Empress inspired by the Tarot. |