Ever After 2018 – Registration Now Open! Yay! :D

Hello magical beings!
Exciting times!!! Ever After is back! We are about to start another round of beautiful art making! Want to come make some magic with me?! I hope you do! And if your answer is: Yes yes! Then you’ll be super happy to know that Ever After 2018, my fantastical, fabulous collaborative course all about fairy-tales and developing your own style is now open for registration! Yay! :)
Click on the magic spell below to sign up or to find out more information:
If you’re new to me and my courses; let me tell you a little about
Ever After:
Ever After is my newest collaborative course! Ever After is going into its 3rd year! Almost 3000 people have joined it since its inception! We had so much fun! It was a raving success with some
amazing feedback!
* From Anna Sporring: “I want to share a really, really big and loving THANK YOU to Tamara Laporte for creating this course. ♥ ♥ ♥ My inner artist has been locked away in a box for almost 50 years. I have tried to break out of it now and then during the years but always ended up back in the box again. After having gone through the first parts of the course, I can see clearly how I ended up in that box in the first place. And now I understand why it’s been such a struggle to create something of my own all this time (copying others was never a problem, but I thought I needed permission to create something on my own!) Seriously this wonderful course has brought me the KEY to get out of the box and give myself permission to be an artist!”

Ever After is fairy tale/ story themed and comes with an in depth ‘style development’ segment. During my career as an artist/ creative entrepreneur, I’ve been asked the question: ‘how do I develop my own style’most often. On Ever After we dive in deep, connect to our own stories, learn the ins and outs of style development all the while making beautiful fairy tale inspired paintings!! :D It will run over 4 months, classrooms open July 1st.

If you’re not ready for style development yet then you can just buy the ‘Fairy Tale Bundle’ on its own which includes all the fairy tale lessons from the course taught by some of your most favourite artists and fabulous teachers in our beautiful mixed media community! Each teacher has chosen a fairy tale or story and will let their fairy tale (or myth) inspire their lesson. I’m excited to let you know who will be involved and what we’re going to do! We will let the fairy tales inspire our paintings and our story telling. The messages and symbolism of these tales and myths can help us develop our own voice, to be truer to ourselves and creative story telling abilities, I’m so excited to share the beautiful lessons with you!
Additionally we’ll look at how we can start telling new and different stories based on the original fairy tales (eg: how about Snow White saves the prince instead?) Or how about Alice on a motorcycle? How about twisting and changing the fairy tales so that your wish comes true? The options are endless and super super fun!! :)
The style development segment is so full of information, hints and tips, special assignments, a big juicy workbook, informative videos, demonstrations on how to derive inspiration and then take ideas to develop your style, self discovery (style development is all about getting to know yourself and telling the story of YOU, you know) and so much more. I’m super excited about both the Fairytales and Style Development! :)
I hope you’ll join this course. It’s suitable for beginners and the more experienced! I’ve been running many courses since late 2008 and have made MANY students happy over the years! :) Read all the love,
positive feedback and testimonials on THIS PAGE.
Oh, almost forgot, ha!!
If you sign up before July 5th, you get 20% off the full price!!!

So, to read more about the fantastic Ever After Teachers,
to download the class schedule, read the chosen fairy tales by your teachers and to
See you there! :)
