♥ Willowing Love Notes to Inspire Self Love & Self Care ♥
Hello wonderful soul,
Haven’t sent you a love note in a while!
I’ve been dealing with a couple of difficult experiences recently and while working through them I was reminded of the quote:
“The Wound is the Place Where the Light Enters You” – Rumi
It’s pretty much my favourite quote of all time. Not because I particularly like what it has to say. To be honest; I wish ‘the light’ would enter me more often with less wounding already … but, what I do love about this quote is that it speaks quite a truth.
I can’t deny that through my trauma, wounding, difficult experiences in childhood, depressive episodes and outrage at the state of world; I’ve been forced to face my shadow, really look at my own broken pieces, the parts of my soul that reside in shame and grief, and man, as hard and difficult as it has all been (and sometimes still is), through it, I’ve also come to experience so much light & transformation, growth & understanding. It’s an irritating paradox for sure, but true nonetheless.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one to ‘light-wash’ trauma experiences with quotes and ideas that ‘everything happens for a reason‘ na-hah. I’m for embracing one’s anger, feeling all our feels, crying it out, experiencing one’s grief deeply etc.
And also, I do find, in many moments, when I find some of my challenges just too hard and overwhelming to deal with, the idea that ‘the light’ seeps in through my wounds, incredibly soothing and comforting.
Then I thought, perhaps this quote has a similar effect on you too? How does it make you feel?
In any case, I felt inspired to add the quote on one of my pieces of art and make it available for print out to you all, you can hang it up around your house or studio as a reminder when things get really hard. Hope you love it!
Interestingly, the quote:
‘No Mud, No Lotus‘ – Thich Nhat Hanh
has a similar resonance. The above piece of art was inspired by that quote. :)
Click on the image above, or on this link here to download the high res version.
You can print it out for personal use. <3
As always: go gentle on yourself, you are loved, needed, you matter, go slow, take your time, breathe in, breathe out, let the sun touch your face, whisper sweet nothings to yourself. Your light, it is so big.
Much love