Hello fabulous friend,
How are you doing? How is your heart? I hope you are gentle and kind with yourself no matter what is happening for you.
I see so many people in pain, suffering and struggling. If you are in pain right now, please know that I care and that you are loved and that I send you big heaps of love, light, strength, perseverance, mattering, care, listening ears. I want you to know that you matter, that you are relevant and that it isn’t your fault. We all come from generations of traumatised ancestors, carrying with us parts of their trauma and their trauma before them, it goes on. Shower yourself with compassion, gentle kindness and bring in some mindful empathic presence to your inner experiences. I am rooting for you.
To support you on your healing and self love/ care journey I made this self love reminders collage sheet which I want to share with you! You can use it (personal use) in your journal or hang them up around your studio/ house as self love reminders.
I hope they serve you dear friend!
Much love
To download the collage sheet right- click either on the image above (or this link) and then choose ‘save target/ image or link as’.
May it bring you joy!