Made of Mermaids – Jane Davenport Unboxing
Hey Good Friends! Many of you know that the magical Jane Davenport and I have been close art friends for many years now! I’m so very proud of everything Jane has achieved, it’s been a joy to see her come out with her amazing books and art supply line! I’m so blessed that she sent Read More
Self Love Gift for You <33
Take a moment for you. Take a moment, right now, to breathe in love and exhale worry. On each in-breath, inhale the following sentences while exhaling anxiety, sadness, depression: I am worthy. I am whole. I am good enough. I am sacred. I am loved. I am connected to the divine. I Read More
Some Vulnerable Sharing.
Ola from Spain dear friends. The world feels like it’s going up in flames while I calmly and peacefully listen to my children’s laughter (like bells ringing) as they splash around in a beautiful pool filled with fresh sparkly water. How can peaceful joy and abject devastating terror be present in the world at the Read More