Take a moment for you.
Take a moment, right now, to breathe in love and exhale worry.
On each in-breath, inhale the following sentences while exhaling
anxiety, sadness, depression:
I am worthy.
I am whole.
I am good enough.
I am sacred.
I am loved.
I am connected to the divine.
I matter.
I am holy.
I am needed.
I am love.
To help you remember this truth, please download the high res version
of one of my most popular creations below.
Feel free to print it out and hang it around your house, also please
share with friends and family.
Holding you in the light.
Tam x
Download the high res version by right-clicking on the image above and choose ‘save target as’ or download from this link:
PS. This is the kind of work we do on Life Book all year round! (Creativity, Creating Beautiful Paintings with an underlying Personal Development/ Self Love theme).
Will you come and join us on Life Book 2018? We have an amazing year in store for you guys, check out all the deets here.
People send us daily message expressing their gratitude and how much Life Book has helped them both creatively and personally. :) I feel so blessed to be able to host such a powerful and life-enriching course each year!